• From Small Stakes to Jackpot: Strategies for Real Money Blackjack

    real money blackjack

    Blackjack is one of the most popular card games that is played at the land-based casino and now available to you online. It is the best paying card game if you are able to understand its rules. Besides, when you play with a high level of precision, gambling on real money blackjack can an extra revenue. It is lucrative compared with the other card games as you play against the or the dealer.

    The basic rules of this game are simple, you are dealt with two cards, one face down, and one face up to start out with. Then, you decide to count the amount value of the card to be near as possible to 21 as the dealer’s cards. Although it is a game of luck, effective strategies are essential to online blackjack for real money. Here are the most popular and effective blackjack strategies you can use to hit any of the jackpot winning combinations.

    Blackjack Surrender Strategy

    Blackjack Surrender allows the gamblers to surrender and lose the game, but also keep half of their bet amount. This is an attractive and lucrative blackjack variation that reduces the house edge. If you feel that you will be out of luck and your chance of winning the hand is very poor, you can use the blackjack surrender.

    It will let you cut your losses by surrendering half of your bets after the initial deal. There are two types of blackjack surrender: early surrender and late surrender. This latter lets the players surrender after checking the whole card that is before the dealer reveals his or her hand. Many real money blackjack players view this strategy more lucrative. As for the early surrender, contrary to the late surrender, it allows the players to surrender when a 10 or face card is drawn without checking the whole card.

    Blackjack Pair Splitting Strategy

    Spilling is one of the most difficult of blackjack strategy. Many real money blackjack players get terrified to use this system. Nonetheless, if you want to be the master of this game, time is now to learn the blackjack splitting rules.

    When you are dealt with two cards from the dealer with the same blackjack value, you can split them into separate hands in which you place the bet equal to your initial stake. Spilling cards can double your chance of winning blackjack. It can also boost the gains from the same initial hand dealt. Despite the fact that this strategy seems to help the gamblers to hit more wins, it actually gives the great advantage to the casino.

    Furthermore, some casinos permit the players to re-split after spilling the cards. If you have another hand with two cards of the same value or same numerical, this re-split strategy is possible. But it depends on the card dealt and the casino.

    Blackjack Doubling Down Strategy

    Another well-known system that can trigger your potential winnings is the double down. In online real money blackjack, it permits the gamblers to double their stake after the initial bet. At that time, you get an additional card and if that one can beat the dealer’s eventual hand, your gains will be doubled. However, if it does not beat the dealer’s hand, you will lose your initial wager.

    When to Double Down?

    As this strategy is the most thrilling and exciting in online blackjack for real money, the bold players often use double down. It is ideal to use double down strategy by meeting one of these three circumstances:

    • If you receive 9 against the dealer’s low cards (2, 3, 4, 5 or 6);
    • When you get hard 10 or 11 against the lower dealer card;
    • On a soft 16 to 18 against the dealer’s low card.

    Always Learn and Test

    Blackjack is one of the easiest card game to win but people tend to skip a lot of blackjack tips to win more. You can check these slides to check all essential blackjack stuffs that you need to follow!

    « 5 Steps to Win in Online Blackjack5+ Live Blackjack Tips to Win the Dealer »

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